Graduate Student



1. For those interested in some countries of Africa, Asia, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean:

With the purpose of granting Master and Doctoral scholarships, CAPES (Improvement Coordination of High-Education Personnel) and MRE (Department of Foreign Affairs) through the DCE (Division of Educational Issues) and CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) open the Announcement of Application for the Program of AgreementStudent of Graduation Studies (PEC/PG) every year. The student approved in this selection process will be admitted in the Graduation Studies for the following year, being submitted to a proficiency test in the English and Portuguese languages (provided that neither of them is the student’s native language) soon after arriving in Brazil. Find below the link to the site of CAPES:


2. For those interested in coming to Brazil bearing any kind of scholarship:

In this case, the Coordination Commission for Graduation Studies of the course of the applicant’s interest will forward a test to a professor of the applicant’s origin country, nominated by the applicant’s prospective Advisor Professor of the School of Animal Science and Food Engineering, so that this same test can be given to the applicant there. Should the applicant get a grade equal or superior to 5 (five), he/she will be accepted in the Program at any time, being submitted to a proficiency test in the English and Portuguese languages (provided that neither of them is the applicant’s native language) soon after arriving in Brazil.

In some cases the Coordination Commission for Graduation Studies disobliges a written test, since the applicant has already gone through a selection test to be granted the scholarship.


3. For those interested in coming to Brazil without any kind of scholarship:

In this case, the applicant should wait for the Announcement of the Selection for the Graduation Studies Program to be made public, and request application within the established period of time. The applicant does not have to come to Brazil to do the tests; however, if the student does not come, he/she will be automatically placed at the end of the scholarship classification list, and wait till the Coordination Commission of the Program can send a test to a professor of the applicant’s origin country, nominated by the applicant’s prospective Advisor Professor of the School of Animal Science and Food Engineering, so that this same test can be applied to the applicant there, which will occur only after the test has been applied in Brazil. Also, the applicant will not be able to participate in the discussion of the pre-project, which is one of the steps of the selection process. The applicant will only be maintained at the end of the scholarship classification list provided that he gets a grade equal or superior to 5 (five) in the written test, and soon after arriving in Brazil the applicant will have to do a proficiency test in the English and Portuguese languages (provided that neither of them is the applicant’s native language).


Please keep in mind that for any of these cases above mentioned the applicant must have a previous contact with a prospective Advisor Professor of the School of Animal Science and Food Engineering of the University of São Paulo.

Find more information for each program:

Graduate Program in Animal Science 

FZEA/USP started offering Master program in 1994 and Ph.D. program in 2001. School members participating in both programs have a wide academic background, particularly acting on “Animal Quality and Production” as concentration area while promoting a multidisciplinary approach. Such interface is a strong feature of both programs, allowing graduate students to acquire solid education in complementary subjects, which facilitate their insertion into the Animal Science academic environment.

General Considerations

Development and use of new technologies in farm production have contributed to improve the quality of animal-based products, adding value to them. Hence, the farming sector is among those presenting fast growth in Brazil, being responsible for a large share of Brazilian exports. However, the evolution of Brazil’s food production chain depends on the expansion of qualified graduate students system, who will be in charge of implementing the advances needed for developing the agro-industry in Brazil.

In this context, FZEA’s Animal Science graduate program entails researchers and professors either affiliated to universities and public research institutions developing scientific activities of excellence or to private companies related to technological innovation in the farm chain.

Research Lines

School members of the program have well-consolidated academic background, relying on a solid laboratory structure, project grants and compatible intellectual production related to the Animal Science area. The following fields of research are addressed: a) application of fundamental sciences to Animal Science; b) nutrition and animal feeding: evaluation of food and nutritional requirements; c) production, handling and evaluation of foraging plants and pasture; d) genetic improvement and reproduction; e) animal husbandry and handling: ethology, bioclimatology, construction and environmental comfort; f) food production and technology.


Nowadays,the former graduated students in Animal Science work in various Brazilian states (Sao Paulo, Maranhao, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, Parana, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina) as well in several countries in America or Africa (Argentina, United States, Canada, Angola, Mozambique, Peru, Bolivia). The Ph.D. alumni currently work in public universities, in public research institutions, in private universities and in private companies as well.

These data suggest that FZEA Animal Science Graduate Program is nationally and internationally recognized, facilitating inclusion of alumni in the job market.

Find more information here.

Graduate Program in Animal Biosciences 

A graduate program in Animal Biosciences (focus on Vet Sciences upgrade) started in 2013 with four strong areas:


Our graduate program deal to create scientific basements related to basic to application vet science in a region of São Paulo State weak with this type of graduate program in Brazil. The final taught of our master and Ph.D student will include courses of scientific methods related to animal welfare, ethics and legislation, also related to the main project of each advisor, their grads students and thesis issues.

Find more information here.

Graduate Program in Food Engineering 

Food Engineering is a multi-disciplinary area which involves professionals graduated in Food Engineering and related fields, and who are interested in carrying out studies about the complex problems involving processed and/or perishable foods, inputs and packaging used in food agroindustry. As development is concerned, agroindustry is a strategic sector. Within this context, the Graduation Program in Food Engineering of FZEA/USP (School of Animal Science and Food Engineering of the University of São Paulo) is committed to educate masters and doctors with solid scientific and academic qualification which may enable them to have an outstanding performance in different areas of Food Engineering. For such, the Program counts on highly qualified and experienced Professors from different lines of research such as food engineers, civil engineers, chemical engineers, veterinary doctors, chemists, and physicists among others.

Find more information here.

Professional Master’s Degree Program in Management and Innovation in the Animal Industry 

The Management and Innovation in Animal Industry Graduate Education Program at USP-FZEA was approved both by the CoPGr-USP and by the CAPES scholarship foundations in the second semester of 2012.  The Master of Science (M.Sc.) course launched in 2013, and currently is accepting 30 students each semester through selective processes.

General Considerations

The University of São Paulo stimulated the implementation of new Post Graduate programs, offering new Professional Science Master’s Degrees. This action stems from the recognition that this type of course is of great importance for the development of our University, becoming an important integration for the most applied skill needs of the society involved in the management and Research and Development organizations, private or public. It is a stricto sensu Post Graduate Program, meaning the program is fully funded. The University of São Paulo takes pride in this professional Master’s Degree program’s excellence in the training of researchers focused on the demands of the labor market. The innovative character of the proposal in this Program is based on three main points: a) group of teacher-researchers with academic and professional experience with different and complementary views, a fundamental fact to promote science and technology nowadays. The scientific/technological lines is multidisciplinary and, in the case of the Professional Master’s, with complementary views toward immediate results of applicability in solving problems in agribusiness; b) the local existence of management and entrepreneurship laboratory structure, enhancing the results in an attempt to turn science into business and transfer academic knowledge to stimulate spin-offs; and, c ) the Program has recognized colleagues directly linked on the agribusiness at the national and international levels, adding the exchange of relevant experience in training students.

Scientific/Technological Lines

Scientific/technological lines of the Postgraduate Program in Management and Innovation in Animal Industry are the following: a) MANAGEMENT IN ANIMAL INDUSTRY, which focuses on aspects of human resource development in technical education, but it needs to develop systemic knowledge with business and entrepreneur vision, to dedicate themselves to the administration, marketing, quality management and product distribution of the productive chain formed by companies from the animal industry; and, b) INNOVATION IN ANIMAL INDUSTRY, which focuses on aspects of developing technological solutions, process and products, spanning multiple specializations, focusing on the various links in the chain of business.

Placement in the Industry

The Management and Innovation in Animal Industry Postgraduate Program of USP-FZEA includes an incubator structure for technology based companies, with priority for the functional extension services. It is also possible to work in a research laboratory with a focus in agribusiness and/or the formation of human resources with differentiated profile of the enterprising professional. This program seeks to meet the diverse demands of professional profiles that require functional skills in the industry. The program encourages both public and private agribusinesses to form a profile with our students in order to provide critical, systemic and strategic insight to act more fully in the business environment. To meet demands of our students, we have gathered a number of industrial opportunities from companies of varying profiles, ranging from large transnational to small innovative agribusiness companies. The professional Master’s Degree Program seeks to offer courses scheduled during convenient times (Friday evenings and Saturday morning and afternoon) so that students may maintain  continuity of professional activities within their companies of origin. Projects carried out in this program may be funded by several agencies, national and international, and private companies.

Find more information here.